Maddox Method | Barbell Complex

Maddox Method | Barbell Complex

The Maddox Method uses a series of barbell complexes as warm-ups to our workouts that involve high volume barbell cycling. There are many different variations to the complex, but we try to specify it to the movements that are specific to that workout of the day. When performing the barbell complex for that day’s warm-up, it is recommended that you use an empty barbell, as we want to prioritize technique over load. The following barbell complex is one that we had to get creative for. The workout involves thrusters and hang squat snatches, so we incorporated some front squatting movements, pressing movements, as well as some overhead squatting movements. The complex, you will perform 3 reps of each of the following movements for 3 rounds:
• Deadlift
• Hang Squat Clean
• Front Squat
• Strict Press
• Push Press
• Snatch Balance
• Overhead Squat
Each round is to be performed as a complex, meaning each movement leads right into the next. You may rest as needed in between rounds. This complex will take your body through the proper range of motion and warm-up your joints and tendons for the weightlifting activity that will take place. You will still want to get a few practice reps of the actual movements, with the weight, before beginning your workout. Give this one a shot!
Rx: L2: L1:
4 rounds for time:
20/16 cal assault bike 16/12
15 hang squat snatches 115/75# 95/65# 75/55#
Rest 1 min, then:
For time:
50/35 cal row 30/20
50 thrusters 115/75# 95/65# 75/55#
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Maddox Method | Barbell Complex
