Attention To Detail, Obsession With Detail (The Jimquisition)

Attention To Detail, Obsession With Detail (The Jimquisition)

The "AAA" game industry loves its lavish detail, from intricate gameplay systems to dazzling graphics. Can they go too far though? Absolutely they can.
Games like Red Dead Redemption 2 are impressive productions, but all that detail can get in the way of the entertainment. Let's look at which games go so far that they produce what I call "Holy Grail Fog."
#RedDeadRedemption2 #Rockstar #PS4 #PC #XboxOne #Switch #Zelda #Shenmue #JimSterling #Jimquisition
Jim’s Big Ego (No Relation):
Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon -
Nathan Hanover -

The Jimquisition,Jimquisition,Jim Sterling,Commentary,Criticism,Games,Game,Gamer,Gaming,Videogame,Video Game,Red Dead Redemption 2,Red Dead Redemption,Rockstar,Open World,Ubisoft,Assassin's Creed Odys
